Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Condom Commercials
As we all know, using a condom during sex is one of the safest way to avoid making women pregnant. It also helps to avoid getting HIV(human immunodeficiency virus) or some other diseases which are known as infectious diseases. The diffusion of Condom is one of our issues as we can tell there are tons of condom ads all over the world.
Two condom commercials which I came up with writing this blog are telling viewers how important using a condom is. However they have different approaches to appeal us the value and the importance of condoms. First commercial opens with a boy asking his father to buy him sweeties at a supermarket. His father keeps refusing it, and the boy starts yelling and crying. He also throws some products on the floor and makes his father in trouble. A lot of customers at the supermarket look at his father, so the viewer can tell how much he gets annoyed from the boy. At the end of this commercial, his father finds out that he should have used condom not to have the boy. Second commercial opens with a guy on the way to meet his girlfriend. He seems excited about meeting her by setting tons of mascots which are imagined as sperms right after him. When the guy finally saw his girlfriend, he smiled and was going to come to her, and he is cut off by the sperm mascots. However, those sperm mascot are covered with a huge condom at the end of this commercial.
When I saw the first commercial, I felt ironic because the father found out that he needs to use condom after he got his annoying son so that the father did not have to have him in his life. However, it could happen to all of us if we don’t use a condom right. This commercial appeals the possibility of not having kids if we use a condom safely during sex. The second commercial shows the viewers that we tend to be swayed things by our emotions. So, we should definitely use condoms during sex, or we might end up horrible and unwanted results such as having kids or diseases. I think both commercials successfully illustrate the needs of condoms.
As we all know, using a condom during sex is one of the safest way to avoid making women pregnant. It also helps to avoid getting HIV(human immunodeficiency virus) or some other diseases which are known as infectious diseases. The diffusion of Condom is one of our issues as we can tell there are tons of condom ads all over the world.
Two condom commercials which I came up with writing this blog are telling viewers how important using a condom is. However they have different approaches to appeal us the value and the importance of condoms. First commercial opens with a boy asking his father to buy him sweeties at a supermarket. His father keeps refusing it, and the boy starts yelling and crying. He also throws some products on the floor and makes his father in trouble. A lot of customers at the supermarket look at his father, so the viewer can tell how much he gets annoyed from the boy. At the end of this commercial, his father finds out that he should have used condom not to have the boy. Second commercial opens with a guy on the way to meet his girlfriend. He seems excited about meeting her by setting tons of mascots which are imagined as sperms right after him. When the guy finally saw his girlfriend, he smiled and was going to come to her, and he is cut off by the sperm mascots. However, those sperm mascot are covered with a huge condom at the end of this commercial.
When I saw the first commercial, I felt ironic because the father found out that he needs to use condom after he got his annoying son so that the father did not have to have him in his life. However, it could happen to all of us if we don’t use a condom right. This commercial appeals the possibility of not having kids if we use a condom safely during sex. The second commercial shows the viewers that we tend to be swayed things by our emotions. So, we should definitely use condoms during sex, or we might end up horrible and unwanted results such as having kids or diseases. I think both commercials successfully illustrate the needs of condoms.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Here are two Starbucks commercials which are about the same product. First commercial opens with a guy, Hank, drinking a new Starbucks canned coffee in the morning on the way to get his interview. Once Hank drank the coffee, a mascot and some people who wear t-shirts which are printed Hank’s name appear. The mascot play music and the people keep calling “Hank!” to cheer his up on the way to an office like on a street, on stairs in a building and even in a waiting room. Hank is getting ready to be called his name for his interview.
Second commercial is also similar situation. It opens with the band Survivor who parodies their song "Eye of the Tiger". While they are following a man named Glen on his way to work, they sing “Glen, Glen Glen Glen!” to cheer his up. They follow Glen while he is shaving, in a bus, even in an elevator in his office. We can tell with Glen’s face that he is calm and satisfied his morning. When the elevator opens, he is ready to see his advisor with something like confidence and energy.
Both commercials are promoting Starbucks’ new double shot coffee, however they don’t have any information about the new product. That is the key of these commercials. They make the viewers curious about the product and let them try. They start with nice tempo of calls and music. Even though viewers sometimes don’t have attention during commercial, they make the viewers to attract and get attention. So, if we drink this coffee, we might be like Hank or Glen who is fresh and ready for the rest of his day. This coffee is the key of making their daily life to splendid days.
I actually read some comments for the commercial on Youtube, and some of them are like “An applause for the makers of this ad. It is brilliant.”, “I will never forget this commercial rest of my life.” And so on. These comments are how much these commercials made the viewers interesting and make them buy the product. The strategy of Starbucks, I love it !
Here are two Starbucks commercials which are about the same product. First commercial opens with a guy, Hank, drinking a new Starbucks canned coffee in the morning on the way to get his interview. Once Hank drank the coffee, a mascot and some people who wear t-shirts which are printed Hank’s name appear. The mascot play music and the people keep calling “Hank!” to cheer his up on the way to an office like on a street, on stairs in a building and even in a waiting room. Hank is getting ready to be called his name for his interview.
Second commercial is also similar situation. It opens with the band Survivor who parodies their song "Eye of the Tiger". While they are following a man named Glen on his way to work, they sing “Glen, Glen Glen Glen!” to cheer his up. They follow Glen while he is shaving, in a bus, even in an elevator in his office. We can tell with Glen’s face that he is calm and satisfied his morning. When the elevator opens, he is ready to see his advisor with something like confidence and energy.
Both commercials are promoting Starbucks’ new double shot coffee, however they don’t have any information about the new product. That is the key of these commercials. They make the viewers curious about the product and let them try. They start with nice tempo of calls and music. Even though viewers sometimes don’t have attention during commercial, they make the viewers to attract and get attention. So, if we drink this coffee, we might be like Hank or Glen who is fresh and ready for the rest of his day. This coffee is the key of making their daily life to splendid days.
I actually read some comments for the commercial on Youtube, and some of them are like “An applause for the makers of this ad. It is brilliant.”, “I will never forget this commercial rest of my life.” And so on. These comments are how much these commercials made the viewers interesting and make them buy the product. The strategy of Starbucks, I love it !
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Coca Cola's Advertisement

There are hundreds of thousands kinds of advertisements around the world. Many of people includes me are influenced by these advertisements before we purchase the products. There were actually so many funny and interesting advertisements which get customers’ attentions. Getting customers’ attentions and let them purchase is the main purpose of the advertisements, I believe. To achieve the purpose, some of advertisements are simply showing the products and the facts when customers use them. On the other hand, other advertisements represent tricky ones.
When I was searching advertisements for my blog, I found some Coca Cola’s ads. Since Coca Cola company is one of the most famous ones, they have so many advertisements from different approaches. One of their advertisements was eye-catching, however I didn’t understand what the advertisement wants to convey to their customers.
As we see in this picture, there is an African woman carrying a hamburger with a can of Coke. I remembered the TV documentary show that African tribes walk hours and hours to get their foods from another village/town. Sometimes, they don’t have any equipment or vehicles to carry food with them, they need to hold food on their heads and hands. The scene which I watched on TV show and this Coca Cola’s advertisement are exactly same to me. And then I came up the idea of this advertisement. This woman took hours to get this coke because this is worse to take long time and her effort to get this to drink.
On the other hand, there is another point of view which I came up with. As the woman is carrying a hamburger and a can of Coke, she likes to eat and drink these. It is obvious that hamburger is tasty and valuable which almost everyone agrees. As same as a hamburger, Coke is a popular drink which everyone likes. That is what this advertisement want to describe about Coke, I guess.
We all have different ideas for everything. For advertisements, of course, we have different point of view. It is because each customer is not the same. However, advertisements should be acceptable for anyone who see. What I really learned from this advertisement is that Coke is everyone’s favorite, even people who live thousand km away and have different culture. I realized once again, Coca Cola is one of the most famous companies in the world.
Food Cultures In Different Countries

Food cultures in different countries are also different. Each country has own food culture. Tomatina is a traditional harvest festival that people appreciate the harvest and celebrate to rich harvest each year in Spain. The festival occurs last Wednesday in August every year. During the festival, more than 100 metric tons of tomatoes are thrown. Bunol is the town where occurs the festival has about 9000 population, but more than 50000 people came over from all over the world and joined the festival this year. This festival is the world’s biggest annual food fight.
I was surprised that the Tomatina is the most unbelievable festival I have ever heard. The town is covered with bunch of Tomatoes, the streets changes to tomatoes’ river even a lake is made by tomatoes. Strangers throw tomatoes to each other. I expect that they have troubles to fight besides food fight, however they have only several simple rules such as tomatoes must be squished in the hand before thrown to avoid excessive injuries.
I was surprised that the Tomatina is the most unbelievable festival I have ever heard. The town is covered with bunch of Tomatoes, the streets changes to tomatoes’ river even a lake is made by tomatoes. Strangers throw tomatoes to each other. I expect that they have troubles to fight besides food fight, however they have only several simple rules such as tomatoes must be squished in the hand before thrown to avoid excessive injuries.
I would like to contrast between this festival and my culture’s festivals. There are many kinds of harvest festivals in Japan. I have known as the harvest festival is supposed to celebrate the harvest, and people must have the feeling to appropriate food, thus most of festivals are full of happiness and peaceful. Japanese style festival usually cook bunch of meals using the crops and share to eat everybody who join the festival. Thus people share the feeling that happiness of great harvest.
So, it is unbelievable that tons of tomatoes are thrown at the festival. Japanese feels that making light of food or waste. On the other hand, Spanish delight to crop as using tons of tomatoes and share their feelings that passion and happiness as fighting. This is the difference between each culture. Spanish incline to express their feelings emotionally and passionately. Japanese are more collectivism. Different nation eat different food , and they have own food culture. Besides it, Characteristics of each country influence to food cultures a lot to. I think food is the one of the most interest culture of human.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A First Birthday Cereblation - Mochi
In Japan, rice is very important to the culture, and during winter, especially over New Year, Japanese make a special kind of rice called Mochi. Mochi is a kind of cake made from sticky rice plate. They are not only eaten during the New Year holidays after being broiled or served in a soup, but they are also often used for many traditional ceremonies in Japan.
A child's 1st birthday, for example, is a particular occasion in Japan, and different customs are practiced from one region to another. One common custom is to have the toddler carry a large mochi ,weighing about 一升 issho = 4 pounds, on his or her back. The word for the volume unit issho is a homophone for 一生issho meaning "a whole lifetime," and the issho mochi symbolizes the parents' hope that the child will grow up healthy and never go hungry throughout his or her lifetime. It is also said that the child who walks before he's one year old will move out of the house early or will pass away before his parents do. To prevent the misfortunes from happening, he or she must walk with the heavy rice cake slung across his shoulder to help him fall down. If he does not fall, parents need to throw rice cakes at him to roll him over. In some places, a one-year old receives a gift of a sword or a pair of scissors, in others the child is given a selection of items to choose from: rice, money, an abacus, a ruler, and a calligraphy brush. The object the child chooses is thought to determine his or her future.
What I learned from this occasion is that food is not only eaten for diet, but also for something we use as a way to celebrate things. In addition, I noticed that food is really connected to a culture. That is why we have so many different kinds of food based on each culture. So, we can think about the meaning or the purpose of food when we eat it. That would be very interesting.
A child's 1st birthday, for example, is a particular occasion in Japan, and different customs are practiced from one region to another. One common custom is to have the toddler carry a large mochi ,weighing about 一升 issho = 4 pounds, on his or her back. The word for the volume unit issho is a homophone for 一生issho meaning "a whole lifetime," and the issho mochi symbolizes the parents' hope that the child will grow up healthy and never go hungry throughout his or her lifetime. It is also said that the child who walks before he's one year old will move out of the house early or will pass away before his parents do. To prevent the misfortunes from happening, he or she must walk with the heavy rice cake slung across his shoulder to help him fall down. If he does not fall, parents need to throw rice cakes at him to roll him over. In some places, a one-year old receives a gift of a sword or a pair of scissors, in others the child is given a selection of items to choose from: rice, money, an abacus, a ruler, and a calligraphy brush. The object the child chooses is thought to determine his or her future.
What I learned from this occasion is that food is not only eaten for diet, but also for something we use as a way to celebrate things. In addition, I noticed that food is really connected to a culture. That is why we have so many different kinds of food based on each culture. So, we can think about the meaning or the purpose of food when we eat it. That would be very interesting.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Japanese food - Stay Healthy
Did you know that Japanese are among the nationalities with relatively longer life spans? And, believe it or not, most scientists attribute this to their diet. True, Japanese cuisine is more than just its taste. As I was born and raised in Japan, I have eaten Japanese food more than any other kinds of food around the world. Especially, I lived with my grandparents who prefer eating Japanese food, so there was always my mother’s home-made Japanese food at home. I just love Japanese food so much. I have tried lots of food in my whole life, especially in the U.S., but nothing beats Japanese food to me. The reason why I love Japanese food is not only because I am Japanese, but also it is tasty and healthy.
For example, Sushi which is my favorite Japanese food is one of the most famous Japanese food. Sushi is vinegar rice, usually topped with other ingredients, such as fish. The Japanese word su means vinegar, and shi is from meshi, the Japanese word for rice, hence sushi is 'vinegared rice'. So, why is sushi so healthy? At first, vinegar has possible cholesterol and triacylglycerol effects, blood glucose control and diabetic management, and diet control. Second, fish are a great source of protein, vitamins, and nutrients. Fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which provide protection from heart disease and are great brain food.
In general, traditional Japanese food is known for healthy food. The ingredients used in making the dishes are generally healthy. For instance, locally grown vegetables have high vitamin and fiber content. On the other hand, Seafoods are considered to be better alternatives for pork and beef because they contain lesser saturated fat. In addition, traditional Japanese contains colorful ingredients which make people satisfied not only from the taste, but also visually. In terms of fat content, a burger has approximately 22 grams of fat per serving where a Futo – Maki(a kind of sushi) only has 1 gram. It is quite a different. So, if we think about the food as a healthy key, Japanese food is a choice of our dishes to stay healthy.
As I have mentioned, Japanese food has greatly evolved over the past few centuries due to many social as well as political changes. For most of us, foods like tofu, sushi, tempura, miso, soba, and even green tea are now familiar and freely available to people outside Japan. So, why don’t we take advantage of it? Again, Japanese food is so tasty, and stay us healthy.
Reference : The Sushi FAQ
For example, Sushi which is my favorite Japanese food is one of the most famous Japanese food. Sushi is vinegar rice, usually topped with other ingredients, such as fish. The Japanese word su means vinegar, and shi is from meshi, the Japanese word for rice, hence sushi is 'vinegared rice'. So, why is sushi so healthy? At first, vinegar has possible cholesterol and triacylglycerol effects, blood glucose control and diabetic management, and diet control. Second, fish are a great source of protein, vitamins, and nutrients. Fish are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, which provide protection from heart disease and are great brain food.
In general, traditional Japanese food is known for healthy food. The ingredients used in making the dishes are generally healthy. For instance, locally grown vegetables have high vitamin and fiber content. On the other hand, Seafoods are considered to be better alternatives for pork and beef because they contain lesser saturated fat. In addition, traditional Japanese contains colorful ingredients which make people satisfied not only from the taste, but also visually. In terms of fat content, a burger has approximately 22 grams of fat per serving where a Futo – Maki(a kind of sushi) only has 1 gram. It is quite a different. So, if we think about the food as a healthy key, Japanese food is a choice of our dishes to stay healthy.
As I have mentioned, Japanese food has greatly evolved over the past few centuries due to many social as well as political changes. For most of us, foods like tofu, sushi, tempura, miso, soba, and even green tea are now familiar and freely available to people outside Japan. So, why don’t we take advantage of it? Again, Japanese food is so tasty, and stay us healthy.
Reference : The Sushi FAQ
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